Uber drivers increased the price of their fares by almost 300 per cent to cash in on the transport misery caused by this morning's Tube strike. Users of the smartphone app woke up to see a demand for fares 2.8 times the normal amount because of the high level of demand. According to the app: 'Demand is off the charts! Fares have increased to get more Ubers on the road.' The surge saw a minimum £14.50 minimum fare introduced, with £3.62 per mile then added. If the cab is stuck in traffic, the passenger will have to pay a further 43p per minute. Prices started increasing from 5.30am as people started ordering cabs to get into work. Scroll down for video Uber drivers have been cashing in on the travel misery by ramping up the price of their fares as a result of this morning's Tube strike Twitter users soon spotted Uber's attempt to cash in on today's Tube strike by increasing the price of their fares due to the demand The long wait: Commuters stand at a packed bus ...